Art by the gifted Traci Vermeesch (sometimes known as Ulario Gryphon). At AnthroCon 2023, I felt compelled to experience the convention to its fullest so I felt obligated to get something from the Artist Alley. Of all the artists that were still present on the final day, Traci was the best choice for an exceptional artist who would be able to quickly complete a piece so I could take it home with me.
After I got home, I thought this would be a wonderful time to finally try out my scanner! The issues with this plan were twofold. First, the physical paper was too large to be scanned all at once. Second, my scanner blows chunks and had output an image with terrible quality.
I took this as a sign to use my limited artistic ability and abundance of spare time to trace this image in Inkscape. I’m not sure that this is an experience I will ever put myself through again, but learning Inkscape this in-depth was fun.