Day 01: Not Quite Lisp

This problem is pretty simple. Part 1 is count the number of parenthesis and return count('(') - count(')'). Part 2 requires keeping track of where you are and breaking out of a loop whenever count('(') < count(')').

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fn parse_input (input: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = isize> + '_ {
	return input.chars()
		.map(|x| match x {
			'(' =>  1,
			')' => -1,
			_ => 0 

pub fn day_01_1 (input: &str) -> String {
	return parse_input(input).fold(0, |acc, e| acc + e).to_string();

pub fn day_01_2 (input: &str) -> String {
	let mut current_floor = 0;
	for (index, direction) in parse_input(input).enumerate() {
		if current_floor == -1 {
			return index.to_string();
		} else {
			current_floor += direction;
	return 0.to_string();